Last week, The Legend of Korra premiered. This show is the follow up series for the 2005 Nickolodeon show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Since Avatar: The Last Airbender is my all time favorite show, I thought I should give a review of the new show that premiered last week.
The new series takes place about 70 years after the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The story revolves around Korra, a hot-headed and rebellious teenager. Korra is what's known as the "Avatar". It's a bit hard to explain, and unless you've seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, you probably are really confused. If you really want to learn more about the show, then Google it. Anyways, throughout the series Korra deals with many obstacles and enemies while making friends along the way.
Honestly, at first I thought that The Legend of Korra would not turn out good, considering how usually sequels to anything don't turn out great, and animators these days aren't exactly at their peak. However, this was a completely different case. One of my favorite things about it was the animation. What really makes me happy is that the makers of this show didn't lower themselves and try to make their animation more flashy by using cool effects that technology today gives us. But instead, they stuck to the original way of animating, like they animated Avatar: The Last Airbender, but at the same time it seemed improved. For example, the way they animated water in this new series was different, and really looked good.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was a very popular show and I remember watching it as a kid. Another great things the producers did with this new show is they made it more suitable for teenagers. Although doing this is kind of risky because kids may not like it, it's still a good decision. It's a good decision because people who grew up with this show will watch it, and those views will make up for the lost views from children. The new series is a lot more mature, with more action and romance and other things teenagers like to see.
I can't wait for more episodes of The Legend of Korra, and even though it will only last a single season, I am really looking forward to it.
By the way, if you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, here are some videos just to get a feel of what these shows are:
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